Taunton Running Fitness
Sponsored by.Drain Specialists
Taunton Fitness Club
Sponsored by..Taunton Web Design
Taunton Fitness Club

Taunton Fitness Clubs

Sponsored by..Drain Specialists
Sponsored by..Taunton Web Design
Taunton Cycling Club Taunton Couch to 5K Taunton Running Club Taunton Cycling Club

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Taunton Fitness Clubs are for ordinary folk that like to RUN, jog, walk, cycle. The free community clubs where like minded people can enjoy running, walking & cycling with others without elitism or competitiveness.

We have winter & summer activities and Membership of the Clubs is FREE - REGISTER TODAY

Fitness with Taunton Running Club

Our Jogging and Running groups cater for all abilities and take advantage of the many footpaths and green spaces in and around Taunton.

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Fitness with Taunton Running Club

Our Free Couch to 5K programme runs twice a year and over 400 have started the task over the past few years. For your peace of mind, experienced C25K coaches run our Couch to 5K programme.

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Cycling with Taunton Fitness Club

Our aim is to make cycling in a group fun and friendly. Each Wednesday we cycle out to a village pub (pit stop) and back. At weekends we venture a little further and discover those hidden Somerset villages.


Walking with Taunton Fitness Club

We are looking for keen walkers to join our club, act as group leaders and help introduce newcomers to the joy of walking in the Taunton locality. - Send Email

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Featured in What's On in Taunton | SASP - Taunton Running
